From The Desk Of SCHS President

PNM Resource Foundation has honored us with a $2000.00 grant. With the grant money we replaced our outdated appliances and purchased a new water heater. These purchases will allow us to continue to create a welcoming atmosphere for our community and for our volunteers. Thank you PNM Resource Foundation.

Lenten Food Celebration

Cooking Food Maria did a live demonstration of cooking Torta De Huevo from scratch. Jeanne told us how she prepared lentils and pinto beans. Solie shared tips for making Panocha – an all-day affair dish.  Cathy brought Natillas – a traditional desert served in Hispanic homes. Talking Food While Maria, Solie and Cathy cooked, we...

Los Penitentes de San Luis, New Mexico Cofradia de Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno – Lorraine Dominguez Stubblefield

The Penitentes of San Luis, New Mexico, or commonly known as Los Hermanos/Hermanas (The Brothers, Sisters), is a lay religious organization related to the Roman Catholic Church that primarily originated in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. Their existence dates back as far as the Reconquest of DeVargas in 1692 and the Reformation of the...

Review: Living the Ancient Southwest

Book Review by John Rogers Living the Ancient Southwest, ed. David Grant NobleA School for Advanced Research Popular Archeology BookSAR Press, Santa Fe, 2014Available from SAR Press ( and at many National Park Service bookstores Living the Ancient Southwest is a collection of eighteen essays by scholars and specialists affiliated with the School for Advanced...

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